El Shaddai has been able to provide a source of clean drinking water to many families at risk from water scarcity. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to sink wells in villages in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, which provide drinking water for more than 100 households, and also in the Mundgod and Haveri districts of Karnataka. These areas had waited years to have clean drinking water and the villagers were extremely grateful and expressed their thanks to El Shaddai and their donors for being able to provide good, clean water.

As in many places, the economy of the villages are fully dependent on agriculture which in turn depends on the annual rainfall. With global warming and drastic climatic changes, rainfall has become unpredictable and adversely affects agricultural. Digging bore-wells will provide villages with alternative sources of water to carry on with their farming. This will not only improve the economy of the community but also prevent villagers and communities from migrating to the cities in hopes of better prospects.

The cost of sinking and providing a well for a village is 1200 USD (Rs.100,000/-)

Our Team will conduct a survey to find out which village or locality is suffering from droughts and/or severe lack of water supplies and then based on their findings, a decision will be taken to dig and sink a well after completing the formalities with the panchayat, which is the local village council.


By giving families a pair of goats, they have fresh milk, manure for better crops, meat to eat and baby goats to sell. Many families have benefited from receiving a pair of goats and are now able to send their children to school.

In order to decide which family would benefit most from this type of support, our Outreach Team will do a survey and report back. Based on this report, a decision is taken as to which family requires this help. Our Outreach Team will buy the goat and present it to the family. Photos are taken of this in order to provide evidence to our donors of purchase and presentation to a family.

The cost of providing a goat is 300 USD (Rs.20,000/- per goat)


Many families can sadly lose their homes and shelters due to adverse weather conditions like cyclones and during the monsoon season.  El Shaddai can provide families with tarpaulins to help re-build their homes and lives.

The cost of providing a 5 meter Tarpaulin is 30 USD (Rs. 2500/-)

Heart of Hope

7533 Banner Ct.
Colorado Springs,
CO 809020-3841
Phone: +1 (719) 200-4495

El Shaddai Charitable Trust is a not-for-profit charity registered in April 2024 in Colorado Springs, USA with EIN 99-2352336


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