In an ideal world, every child would be wanted, loved and nurtured, but we know that this is not the case in so many places around the world, including the US. Our vision is “bringing childhood to children who have never had one” and we have chosen to be part of the El Shaddai family and the good news is that the vision is becoming a reality in the lives of so many children in India.

Heart of Hope is a not-for-profit charity registered in April 2024 in Colorado Springs, USA with EIN 99-2352336.

The aim of the US charity is to support the work of El Shaddai India, so our task is to act as a link between those in the USA, who wish to help relieve poverty in India, to the charity and beneficiaries in India.

To create homes, shelters, community centres and schools to transform children’s lives

We are a grant-making organisation that operates solely to provide regular financial support to our partner organisation, El Shaddai Charitable Trust India, which works to implement the Child Rights Act 2003/05 for orphans, street children and children coming from economically deprived backgrounds. Through the provision of regular financial support to our partner, El Shaddai Charitable Trust India, we are able to contribute to the functioning of a series of children’s residential homes, day care centres, community centres and outreach programmes across Goa and beyond.


El Shaddai Charitable Trust is an ISO certified NGO in Goa, with several projects in the areas of education, child protection, women empowerment and advocacy for the rights of children, especially the marginalised and those from the streets and orphans in Goa.

As part of our work, we run formal and non-formal schools across Goa along with outreach programmes in slum schools. We focus on adult literacy (especially for women) and remedial coaching for dropouts and delinquent children.

Our outreach is also designed to empower women in areas of reproductive health, family planning, the dangers of child marriage and the rights of the girl child. We work with families in slums and underprivileged communities in Goa, including Mapusa, Calangute, Vasco, Margao and Chimbel to create awareness and bring about change in the lives of the families. Our work also includes vocational training for youth and women in these communities to enable them to gain financial stability and through that empower them.

As an NGO based in Goa, El Shaddai works primarily with street and slum children using a four-tier approach to change, and over the years has expanded its base in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Heart of Hope

7533 Banner Ct.
Colorado Springs,
CO 809020-3841
Email: USAoffice@childrescue.net
Phone: +1 (719) 200-4495

El Shaddai Charitable Trust is a not-for-profit charity registered in April 2024 in Colorado Springs, USA with EIN 99-2352336


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