WORKING FOR A childhood for children
who have never had one
It will give you great pleasure to sponsor an El Shaddai child, watching them grow and develop by seeing their photos that we send you over the years. You not only receive their school reports but personal letters from them. They love to hear from you and enjoy answering your letters.
Some sponsors come to Goa for their holidays and visit us, meeting their sponsored child in our school or during visiting time in the Homes. We have beach programmes at weekends where you can join us for a swim and games on the sand with them.
It costs us 2 USD to 3 USD a day to have a child in our care, taking them on to college and university. We don’t ask you for any given amount, although the minimum is 10 USD a month to have a sponsored child, so some children have more than one sponsor
If you’re considering becoming a regular donor or perhaps a child sponsor, then please download and complete the Direct Debit form (link) and either return by email to or by post to our Registered Office address:
Heart of Hope
7533 Banner Ct. Colorado Springs, CO 809020-3841
Phone: +1 (719) 200-4495
We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have with regard to donating or child sponsorship, so please just get in touch!
Yes! I would like to be a ChangeMaker for Children

Heart of Hope
7533 Banner Ct.
Colorado Springs,
CO 809020-3841
Phone: +1 (719) 200-4495
El Shaddai Charitable Trust is a not-for-profit charity registered in April 2024 in Colorado Springs, USA with EIN 99-2352336
Have a comment or query? Use the form below or message us by text or WhatsApp on 07538 897011